One on One or small group mentoring sessions are now available
Have you just got yourself your first DSLR and are not sure where to start? Need help getting off AUTO? Or perhaps you just want some honest and detailed feedback on your images?
Perhaps it's your post processing that's letting you down. I can get you started with all of the Lightroom basics from importing, cataloging then through the develop module and onto exporting your final product. I offer advise on Digital Asset Management (DAM), to ensure that you have full control of the location of your images.
I offer one off or weekly mentoring sessions. Either on location or in my studio. Call me or email me for more info 0417 810 650
Lightroom Beginners Workshop Part 1
Find your way around Data Asset Management with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic. Are you interested to learn how to manage your photos so in years to come you'll be able to find just the image you're looking for? We'll also cover importing and exporting (including Presets to help speed up your workflow).
One on One Workshops
Jun to Dec 2024 2 hours $TBA each
Venue location - South Bunbury or online
We will cover the following:
- Import
- Export
- Metadata
- Keywords/flagging and rating
- Collections
This is a hands on workshop. You will need to bring along a laptop computer with a recent version of Photoshop Lightroom Classic installed and a number of images on a memory card.
To register your interest please email me at or phone 0417 810 650
Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst - Henri Cartier Bresson
Lightroom Beginners Workshop Part 2
Delve into the Develop module in Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Classic CC.
Getting started with post processing. We'll work our way through the Develop module of Lightroom Classic CC.
One on One Workshops
Jul to Dec 2024 2 hours. $TBA each
Venue location - South Bunbury or Online
We will cover the following:
- Sharpening & Noise Reduction
- Global Enhancements
- Local Enhancements
- Histogram basics
- Plus much much more
This is a hands on workshop. You will need to bring along a computer (laptop preferred) with a recent version of Photoshop Lightroom Classic installed.
To register your interest please email me at or phone 0417 810 650
You don't take a photograph you make it - Ansel Adams