Desert Elephants
The Desert Elephants Damaraland were amazing to see. They are African Bush Elephants that have adapted to survive in the desert, in this case in Namibia. They are often seen with short damaged tusks as a result of mineral deficient soil and the need to dig up sand and rocks in search for food and water. I hope you like elephants as this post it I will be sharing my elephant images with you. The elephants in these photos are feeding on the Camelthorn Acacia (Acacia erioloba) which is a very common tree in these parts and also extremely thorny. Thorns are between 3-5cm long.
Elephants are very destructive to the environment and will often push over large trees just to get to the new shoots. As we discovered this also helps the smaller animals that don’t have the same reach so it’s not all bad I guess.
Many elephants in Africa live within reserves but the elephants in the Namib are free to roam and often travel distances up to 60km per day between their favourite feeding grounds and water holes during the dry season. They can survive without eating as much as other elephants in food-abundant parts of Africa. They can go without drinking water for up to three days if they need to.
Fabulous pics Chris. We loved coming into close proximity with elephants when we were in Africa, over 10 years ago. The babies are so cute!
Thanks Jill, definitely my favourite from the trip